I visited my good friend Görkem Paçacı at Uppsala University. I gave a talk on the new Jupyter Notebook extension we have been developing for Conjure whilst I was there. The audience was a mixture of academics and keen students.

Conjure’s notebook extension has been mostly developed by students at St Andrews as well. Always fun to demonstrate the good work of our students!

Following is the abstract of the talk.

Introduction: Özgür Akgün is an academic at the School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews. He has worked on model-based AI systems, mainly Constraint Programming (CP) and developed a compiler in this domain called Conjure. In addition to general-purpose methods, he is interested in a wide range of AI applications including automated testing, cloud computing, data linkage, data mining, etc.

Abstract: Constraint Programming is a method of problem-solving that involves defining variables and their relationships in the form of constraints. It is widely used in various fields such as scheduling, resource allocation, and combinatorial optimisation. In this talk, we will explore the integration of Constraint Programming with Jupyter Notebooks. Jupyter Notebooks provide an interactive platform for writing and running code, displaying results, and sharing documents with others. By combining these two technologies, we can create a user-friendly environment for modeling and solving constraint programming problems. This integration brings forth new opportunities for education, research, and practical applications, making constraint programming more accessible and widely used.

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